Systematic Capability
Functional Safety Systematic Capability Assessment (FSSCA) is a systematic review of a component or system to determine its overall systematic capability based on the requirements of BS EN IEC 61508 2nd Edition.
It is required to assess the systematic capability of a component or system to determine if it is capable of achieving the target SIL in terms of the avoidance of systematic failures in accordance with the requirements of the international functional safety standard BS EN IEC 61508 2nd Edition.
The scope of the assessment is based on the techniques and measure to avoid systematic errors in Annex A, B and C of BS EN IEC 61508 Parts 2 and 3.
The primary purpose of the assessment is to assess the human factors element with respect to design, manufacture, testing and usage in order to substantiate the systematic capability in accordance with the requirements of BS EN IEC 61508 2nd Edition, and if necessary identify necessary changes to the equipment, its usage and/or its testing in order to compensate for any shortfall.
A second methodology that can be applied is based on the "Proven In Use" concept as detailed in both BS EN IEC 61508 and BS EN IEC 61511. This methodology is based on historical data and audit of existing systems and practices.
ProSalus regularly undertakes FSSCAs as apart of the more general FSCA for component and system original equipment manufacturers. We have experienced assessors with extensive experience in the application of BS EN IEC 61508 2nd Edition and we have an internal FSSCA methodology which we apply.